About Me
WeiJie Zhang

Hi there! I am WeiJie Zhang from 56 Lengkok Bahru, malaysia-flag

an enthusiastic person with a passion for technology and a keen
interest in pursuing a career in the field of DevOps and Backend Engineering.
I like to explore new technologies, attend tech talks, and participate in hackathons to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and advancements in the field.

skills Skills
web Front End Development
  • html5-icon
  • HTML5
  • CSS3-icon
  • CSS3
  • Sass-icon
  • SASS
  • Bootstrap icon
  • Bootstrap
  • tailwind_css
  • Tailwind CSS
  • material-ui
  • Material UI
  • javascript
  • Javascript
  • jQuery icon
  • jQuery
  • Typescript icon
  • TypeScript
  • json icon
  • JSON
  • angularjs
  • Angular
  • React
  • React
  • vue-js
  • Vue.js
  • git
  • Git
Code icon Back End Development
  • nodejs
  • NodeJs
  • Express icon
  • Express
  • PHP icon
  • PHP
  • laravel
  • Laravel
  • python icon
  • Python3
  • django
  • Django
  • github--v1
  • GitHub
  • MYSQL icon
  • My SQL
  • MongoDB icon
  • MongoDB
Here's something satisfying, Hover over the Spinner!
Projects project
Build software collaboratively with the power of AI, on any device, without spending a second on setup
Take your solar installation business to new heights with SunnyGreen, a wholesale partner who will cut your costs dramatically in a risk-free manner.
Transform your business with Airtable's next-gen app platform. Unmatched agility and efficiency.
ICL supports companies in their cultural evolution and designs custom interventions for corporate learning.
Akaunting is a free, open-source, and online accounting software for small businesses and freelancers.
Our mission is to help anyone find their perfect tutor so they can achieve their learning goals.
Contact Me